Have you wondered if you could help CACSE? Well you certainly can!
You can help spread the word! Any parent or caregiver of children who receive special education services Maryland may participate in a Special Education Citizens’ Advisory Committee like our CACSE. Educators and community members can participate, too. Please contact us if you would like us to keep your community group informed, attend one of our meetings, or tell your group what we do! By sharing your unique perspective of what it is like to experience this journey and use these services, parents like you can help St. Mary’s County Public Schools, and other parents and caregivers, to be more effective. As a result, outcomes for our children with disabilities should improve.
How can you help?
Come to a meeting! And consider being a representative for your school! As a participant in CACSE, you can hear about developments and changes within the Department of Special Education, influence decisions and policy, meet other parents, educators, and service providers with similar goals, learn about and attend local workshops and events on topics of interest, and access resources that are beneficial to your child. Talk to your school’s principal or IEP chair about being a representative. And anyone can come to our meetings or they can dial in by phone; they are open to the public!
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